Back in Action (2025)

Sneak out from the dark and grow bold again, two members of an exclusive club of the CIA, Emily and Matt find their past lives as covert agents resurfacing. The moment they are exposed, they are made more vulnerable to both adversaries reclaiming the high ground of new technology and to friends who doubt them. To win back their autonomy they take a trip in order to make clear who the betrayer was. However, the road is very hard since they have to battle demons and the threats mounted by the outside world. Combining their training and faith they can work together to navigate in a dangerous world that leads to their preservation and also to the revelation of the truth behind the betrayal. Follow Goojara Action Movies for more.

Back in Action Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Back in Action (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Spy, Action, Comedy
Director: Seth Gordon
Writer: Seth Gordon, Brendan O’Brien
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, McKenna Roberts

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