Paddington in Peru (2024)

When Paddington returns to Peru to visit Aunt Lucy, who now lives at the Home for Retired Bears, he brings the Brown family along to share the joy of their reunion. What begins as a simple trip soon transforms into an adventurous quest when a mystery captures their attention. The group embarks on a thrilling journey across Peru’s stunning landscapes, overcoming challenges with creativity and teamwork. Paddington’s heartwarming charm and the Browns’ dedication shine as they unravel the mystery, discovering lessons about love, family, and the rewards of unexpected adventures. Follow Goojara Adventure Movies for more.

Paddington in Peru Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Paddington in Peru (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Adventure, Comedy, Family, Mystery
Director: Dougal Wilson
Writer: Mark Burton, Jon Foster, James Lamont
Stars: Hugh Bonneville, Emily Mortimer, Ben Whishaw

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